Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hurricane Irene

"...millions of babies being killed before they are born."

Right now it is August 25th 2011 and a Hurricane (Irene) is headed towards New York. In the prophecy Dr. Doctorian talks about "...millions of babies being killed" through abortions in North America. Many label New York as the "abortion capital of the world" with 2 of 5 pregnancies terminated (twice the national average). In a February 2011 article in the New York Times it is described as "downright chilling" with even pro-choice women's groups "...disturbed that the rate is so high."

I do not like the idea or topic of judgement at all. It disturbs me, I hate it, and I love my country. But the historic events (both natural and through evil human terrorist actions) over the past 12 years attesting to the truth of the prophecy through Dr. Doctorian are undeniable.

More information on abortion rates across the US can be found here:

Should we as Christian's use it as a prayer guide? Absolutely. Should our government consider seriously its use to predict possible trending of natural disasters in the US? What do you think?

Before answering this question addressing God's judgement--natural and man-made disasters--of sin, consider:

* The earthquake this past week in Colorado (the largest in over 40 years). The epicenter was  9 miles WSW of Trinidad, Colorado which is known/was known as the "Sex change capital of the world."

* Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans, the Mardi Gras capital of the US

* 2001 Seattle earthquake happening right after its Mardi Gras festival

* The Mineral, VA. earthquake this past week most prominently damaging the National Cathedral (the highest point in Washington, DC)

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